Hilary Champion is part of an artists’ collective entitled The Office for Global Improvement (O for GI) whose work critiques alternative facts and post-truth politics.
Their practice is largely based on Noam Chomsky’s belief that people are distracted from asking big questions by being bombarded with small questions and concerns. The work currently manifests itself as a series of spurious, sometimes nonsensical messages, claims, statistics and advice which appear in the media and on promotional items such as banners and car stickers.
The artist is developing a new series of work as well, provisionally entitled Words in Woods, which is also text-based. The work will manifest itself as a series of statements, questions and instructions which will appear as carvings and signage discreetly displayed in woodlands and other rural settings. This body of work is being developed for opportunities which the artist has recently identified and applied for, such as the forthcoming Surrey Unearthed project and a residency at West Dean college.